
In Germany, the concept of payments for ecosystem services usually refers to the maintenance of cultural landscapes (“Kulturlandschaften”) and multi-functional land uses. These are distinct geographical areas and landscapes created by mankind, which preserve and generate distinct ecosystem goods and services. Germany, as well as the EU in general, has a wider view on what constitutes a positive externality within agricultural lands. This includes for example traditional farming practices, cultivation of rare and ancient seeds, the husbandry of certain endangered animal breeds as well as the maintenance of distinct landscapes.

The field trip to visit a German PES example in practice will be a guided tour to the Spreewald region, located about 100km south-east of Berlin. The region was designated as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 1991 and maintains a landscape characterised by traditional irrigation systems, alder forests on wetlands and traditional agricultural land use practices.

This field trip will highlight the marketing of and payments for the maintenance of the traditional cultural landscape and its ecosystem functions and services provided.

The schedule for this field trip is as follows. Click here to download the detailed program.

Schedule & Program (Saturday, November 12th, 2011)

08:30 Bus departs from Berlin city centre.
10:00 Arrival at the Biosphere Reserve Spreewald.
Welcome and introduction to the Biosphere Reserve Spreewald at the “State Office for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection” in Luebbenau.
10:30 Depending on weather conditions, we will visit Lehde either by bus or by “Stechkahn” a punt typical for the region. We will visit the village of Lehde and its open-air museum.
A discussion is also planned in the museum’s seminar room.

Our next stop is Goeritz. There we will visit the farm market of the Goeritzer Agrar farm.

Lunch will be provided during the field trip.
15:00 Bus leaves for Berlin.
16:30 Arrival in Berlin city centre.

The excursion fee is Euro 40 and includes transportation, entrance fees and catering.

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Online: http://pes-conference.civiland-zalf.org/excursion/index.php
Datum: 14.03.2025