
The conference takes place on Thursday, November 10th and Friday, November 11th. A field excursion to visit a PES scheme in practice will be organised on Saturday, November 12th.
Please find detailed information about the draft for the conference program below.
Detailed information about the field trip will be available soon under Excursion on the conference website.


Day 1 (Thursday, November 10, 2011):

11:00am Registration opens
13:00pm – 13:10pm Welcome and Introduction
Bettina Matzdorf (ZALF)
13:10pm – 14:10pm Plenary session 1:
Payments for Ecosystem Services and their Institutional Dimensions

Keynote speaker 1:
Stefanie Engel (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Institutional Dimensions of PES – An Overview of Selected Research

Keynote speaker 2:
Erik Gómez-Baggethun (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona , Spain)
Payments for Ecosystem Services and the Commodification Process

Chaired by: Claudia Sattler (ZALF)
14:10pm – 16:10pm Breakout session 1A:
PES and its Institutional Setting

Claudia Sattler, Bettina Matzdorf, Sarah Schomers, Claas Meyer (ZALF)
Multi-Classification of Payments for Ecosystem Services

Thomas Legrand, Géraldine Froger, Jean-Francois Lecoq (CEMOTEV)
Institutional Performance of Payments for Environmental Services: An Analysis of the Costa Rican Program

Irina Prokofieva, Elena Górriz (Centre Technologic Forestal de Catalunya)
Institutional Analysis of PES Schemes for the Provision of Forest Goods and Services in Catalonia (North-East Spain)

Akhmad Fauzi, Zuzy Anna (Bogor Agricultural University)
Firms, Forest and Fiscal: Complexity of Institution of Indonesian Payment for Environmental Services Programs

Guillaume de Buren (idheap)
Why Does the Potential for PES Implementation Differ?

Chaired by: Christian Schleyer (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)

Breakout session 1B:
Identification of Demand and Supply

Fongwa Ernest Anye, Albrecht Gnauck (Brandenburg University of Technology)
Establishing Potential Payment for Intangible Ecosystem Services: The Case of UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Spreewald

Frank Wätzold, Martin Drechsler (Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus)
Agglomeration Payment, Agglomeration Bonus or Homogeneous Payment?

Ernst-August Nuppenau (JLU Giessen)
Value Detection of Species through Payment for Eco-System Services and Landscape Management: Integrating Willingness to Pay for ESS and Nature Provision in Approaches of Biodiversity Management

Tobias Wünscher, Mercelyne Khalumba, Karin Holm-Müller, Mirijam Büdenbender (University of Bonn)
The Cost-Effectiveness of Combining Reforestation Auctions with Performance Based Payments – A Field Trial in Rural Kenya

Chaired by: Stefanie Engel (ETH Zürich)

16:10pm – 16:30pm Coffee break
16:30pm – 18:30pm Breakout session 2A:
User-Financed PES Schemes

Marcela Munoz Escobar, Camilo Pineda Weffer, Robert Holländer (University of Leibzig)
Institutional Analysis of Payment for Watershed Ecosystem Services. Lessons from Two Case Studies in Colombia and Germany

Janita Volkers, Christian Albert, Christina von Haaren, (Leibniz University of Hannover)
Paths and Pitfalls of (Monetary) Compensation for Ecosystem Services. A Comparison of Monetary and Non-Monetary Compensation Approaches in German Environmental Intervention Regulation

Fabien Quétier, Sven Wunder, Sandra Lavorel (LECA–CNRS)
Habitat Banking in France: Experimenting with a Nascent PES Framework for Biodiversity Conservation

Silvia Cristina Rodríguez Valladares, Cecile Brugere (University of York)
Assessment of the Potential for Payments for Ecosystem Services and Mechanisms for Implementation in the Case of Shrimp Aquaculture Development in Thailand

Chaired by: Sarah Schomers (ZALF)

Breakout session 2B:
The Issue of Commodification

Stefan Baumgärtner, Morith Drupp, Jasper Meya, Jan Munz, Martin F. Quaas (Leuphana University of Lüneburg)
Income Distribution and Willingness to Pay for Ecosystem Services

Angela Kopmann, Katrin Rehdanz (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
A Human Well-being Approach for Assessing the Value of Ecosystem Services

Bas Amelung, Machiel Lamers (Wageningen University)
Tradable Visitation Permits as a Management Tool for Remote Areas: An Application to Antarctic Tourism

Karsten Grunewald, Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Olaf Bastian (Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development)
Costs of Landscape Management – Exemplarily Calculation for Saxony (Germany)

Chaired by: Angela Meyer (IDC)

18:30pm – 19:00pm Coffee break
19:00pm – 20:00pm Poster Session:

Bunafsha Mislimshoeva , Thomas Koellner (Bayreuth University)
PES for Forest Rehabilitation in Tajikistan

Regina Neudert, Melanie Mewes, Frank Wätzold (Universität Cottbus)
Challenges of Designing a PES-Scheme in South-Western Madagascar

Karin Reiter, Achim Sander (Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute)
Supply of Ecosystem Services by Natura-2000-payments- Analysis of the Instrument and its Implementation

Valérie Bossi Fedrigotti, Christian Fischer, Francesco Marangon, Stefania Troiano (Free University of Bolzano)
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) for Traditional Land-use Systems in South Tyrol, Italy: The Case of Chestnut Orchards and their Recreational Benefits

Pierre Alexandre Maizière, Froger (CEMOTEV/UVSQ)
Exploring Socioeconomic Impacts and Governance of Payments for Environmental Services. Lessons from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Isabel van de Sand (Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik - DIE)
Payments for Ecosystem Services and Adaptation to Climate Change – Insights from a Watershed in Kenya

JF Le Coq, G Froger, T Le grand, D Pesche, F Saenz (CIRAD / ART-Dev)
The Evolution of the Costa Rican Program of Payment for Environmental Services: A Learning Process and Stakeholders’ Balance of Power Perspective

Sandra Derissen (University of Kiel)
What are PES? - Discussion of Terms and Some Definitions

Ines Freier, Benjamin Kiersch (HTW Berlin / FAO in Santiago, Chile )
Voluntary Environmental Standards as Payments for Ecosystem Services

Heini Vihemaki (World Agroforestry Centre)
Institutional Challenges for Ensuring Conditionality and Fairness of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Tanzania

20:00pm End of official program Day 1
(Gathering for the conference dinner)
21:00 – 23:15pm Conference dinner

Day 2 (Friday, November 11, 2011):

08:00am Registration opens
08:30am – 09:30am Plenary Session 2
PES and their Institutional Dimensions

Keynote speaker 1:
Sven Wunder (CIFOR, Brazil)
Payments for Environmental Services: Institutional Preconditions in Developing Countries

Keynote speaker 2:
Stuart Whitten (CSIRO, Australia)
Landholder Engagement in Conservation Tenders as a Function of Institutional Design: A Case Study of Biodiversity Tenders in the Wimmera CMA Region, Australia

Chaired by: Thomas Koellner (University of Bayreuth)
09:30am – 11:30am Breakout session 3A:
PES and its Actors

Bettina Matzdorf, Claudia Sattler, Sarah Schomers (ZALF)
The Relevance and Role of Civil Society in PES Schemes – A Case Study Analysis of PES Schemes in Germany and the US

Cecilia Michellis, Elena Borzenkova, Kirsten Boer, Paula Rolffs (Ecologica Institute)
Lessons Learned from the Carbon Markets in Brazil

Linda Bigga, Robert Holländer (Universität Leipzig)
Financial Involvement of Private Actors in the Revitalisation of Urban River Spaces

Marie Hrabanski, Jean-Francois Lecoq, Bidaud Cécile, Méral Philippe (CIRAD)
The Role of the Main Environmental NGOs in the Spread of “Ecosytem Services” Notion and PES-Instruments: a Madagascar, Costa Rica and France Comparison

Chaired by: Tim Schloendorn (ETH Zürich)

Breakout session 3B:
New Approaches to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness

Timm Kroeger (The Nature Conservancy)
Designing the Optimal PES: Theory, Reality and the Challenge of Measuring Biophysical and Welfare Returns on Conservation Investments

Bernd Hansjürgens, Paul Lehmann (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ)
Using Auctions to Allocate Payments for Ecosystem Services – Experiences from the US Conservation Reserve Program

Sandra Derissen (University of Kiel)
Implementing Performance-Based Payments for the Enhancement of Chlidonias Niger (Black Tern) in Eiderstedt/Germany

Wain Collen, David Elliott (International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University)
Benefit Distribution from Common-Pool Resource Management: Lessons from a Case Study in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Chaired by: Erik Gómez-Baggethun (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

11:30am – 11:45am Coffee break
11:45am – 13:45pm Breakout session 4A:
Agri-Environmental Measures

Sarah Lynch, Leonard Shabman (WWF)
Addressing Institutional Challenges to Implementing a Contract Based Payment for Environmental Services Program: A Collaborative Approach to Program Design

Ruth Waters (Natural England)
Delivering Nature’s Services: Moving Towards a Payment for Ecosystem Services Scheme in the English Uplands

Christian Schleyer, Tobias Plieninger (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
Obstacles and Options for the Design and Implementation of Payment Schemes for Ecosystem Services Provided Through Farm Trees in Saxony, Germany

Philippe Bonnal, Caroline Maury, Jean-Francois Le Coq, Muriel Bonin, Thomas Legrand, Philippe Méral (CIRAD)
Payments for Environmental Services and Environmental and Territorial Governance: Lessons from Empirical Studies

Chaired by: Claas Meyer (ZALF)

Breakout session 4B:
Experience and Experiments on Institutional Design

Nora Vogt, Kilian Bizer (Georg-August Universität Göttingen)
The Usual Suspects – Lock-in Effects and the Role of Social Capital in Multiple-sign Up Conservation Auctions. An Experimental Approach

Tim Schloendorn, Marcella Veronesi, Astrid Zabel, Stefanie Engel (ETH Zurich)
Permanence in REDD+ Projects: The Case of Ecocharcoal Policies

Lasse Loft, Torsten Krause (Biodiversity & Climate Research Center BiK-F)
From Global to Local – the Status and Design of Benefit Sharing Mechanisms Under REDD+, Cases from Ecuador and Cameroon

Jetske Bouma, E Ansink (VU University Amsterdam)
Community Co-management and the Perceived Legitimacy of Conservation

Chaired by: Cecilia Michellis (EI)

13:45pm – 14:45pm Lunch break
14:45pm – 16:25pm Plenary session 3 – Expert panel:
PES and their Institutional Dimensions – Lessons Learned
Experts will give a short input statement followed by a discussion

Expert panelists:
Sarah Lynch (World Wildlife Fund, USA)
Angela Meyer (Organization for International Dialog and Conflict Management, Austria)
Cecilia Michellis (Ecologica Institute, Brazil)
Timm Kroeger (The Nature Conservancy, USA)
Thomas Koellner (University of Bayreuth, Germany)

Chaired by: Claudia Sattler (ZALF)

16:30 - 17:00 pm Summary of conference outcomes and final discussion
Bettina Matzdorf and Claudia Sattler (ZALF)
17:00 pm End of official program Day 2

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